Scott's USAF Installations Page

All text and images created by Scott D. Murdock unless indicated otherwise.

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Trip Report: Perrin AFB and Vicinity

First published in 1998. Reformatted 2025.

Time to go back to Perrin AFB. I needed to investigate the Radar Annex, as well as visit as many of the other off-base annexes as possible. Just a reminder PIN means Permanent Installation Number and ILC means Installation Location Code; I include these for Air Force properties when I know them.

Saturday, 10 October 1998

Burton Air Force Auxiliary Field TX (aka Perrin Aux Fld #4), 33-42-10, 96-23-30. This former airfield northwest of Ambrose is being surface mined for sand. In fact, the road along the southern perimeter is Sand Plant Road. I believe I found a former entrance gate, judging by the remnants of asphalt and a derelict power pole. This was on the west perimeter, on Carpenters Bluff Road, at 33-42-20, 96-23-43.
General view

Durant NAAF OK, 33-56-30, 96-23-45. This airport was a joint-use auxiliary to Perrin AFB in the early 1950s, after serving as a Navy airfield in WWII. It is now Eaker Field (DUA). The only military presence is an Oklahoma National Guard armory. A hangar remains that may date to Navy use.
Building and hangar

Bilbo Auxiliary Field OK, aka Perrin Auxiliary Field #3, 33-54, 96-30. This field is now farmland. No evidence of aviation use was visible from the local road, Mead/Platter/N3660 (depending on which sign you read).
General view

Perrin Railroad Right-of-Way to Pottsboro TX, 33-44-40, 96-39-53. This is a railroad spur, and the coordinates are at about the midpoint of its length. As it leaves the base heading north, it runs along the east side of Airport Road. The tracks look disused, and are not in good condition.

Perrin ILS Middle Marker Annex TX, 33-44-17, 96-40-20. From Hagerman Road, I drove as far north on the rutted dirt access road as I dared. Then I walked, following the former approach lights to the middle marker location. The building is still standing, although structural integrity is questionable at this point. Cableways in the floor slab, and an adjacent wooden antenna pole are the only clues this was once a navigation aid site.
Approach lights
Outer marker building

Perrin Air Force Base TX, 33-42-46, 96-39-58. I've covered this one in prior visits. New observations from this visit: I was able to photograph the fighter-interceptor alert hangar, F-102 calibration shelters, and one of the abandoned navigation aid buildings on the far side of the runways. The alert hangar is the first-generation Strobel & Salzman design, heavily modified. I also toured the former BX and officers club, thanks to Deputy Mike Byrd, a Public Safety Officer with the Grayson College Department of Public Safety. The front sidewalk of the officers club still shows some F-102 decorations and the wing designation. While at Perrin, I was quite pleased to be able to meet with Shannon Thomas, who is the driving force behind the Perrin Field Historical Society. Shannon is quite knowledgeable of Perrin AFB, and is dedicated to preserving and sharing its history. I'm glad we were able to meet and compare notes.
Calibration shelters
Calibration shelters
Fighter-interceptor alert hangar
Fighter-interceptor alert hangar
Fighter-interceptor alert hangar
Fighter-interceptor alert hangar
Sidewalk outside officers club

Perrin Radar Annex TX, 33-42-15, 96-38-55. The remaining Air Force buildings, while very distinctive, have been altered to fit the needs of a boat repair and salvage company, and I could not find any trace of the radar towers. I was allowed inside one of the buildings. The present owner did not have any knowledge or documentation of historical use of the site.
Building interior
Building interior

Gibbons Air Force Auxiliary Field TX (aka Aux Fld #1), 33-38-55, 96-43-10. Another piece of farmland near Sherman, viewed from the west from Gibbons Road. No visible signs of aviation use.
General view

Gaskin Air Force Auxiliary Field TX (aka Aux Fld #2), 33-30-30, 96-45-45. Sensing a trend? Yup, more farmland. Viewed from the west from Hunter Road near Dorchester. No clues to a previous life in aviation.
General view

A short little day trip, by my standards! Drove 392 miles, in 11.5 hours.

Updated January 26, 2025

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